Ethnopharmacological and Antibacterial Analysis of Some Selected Pteridophytes Species from Samahni (AJk) Pakistan

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Muhammad Ishtiaq, Tanveer Hussain, Mehwish Maqbool, Aneeba Afzal

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Published: 17 October 2018 | Article Type :


In present study, five selected Pteridophytes species were explored for their medicinal potential by using ethnomedicinal, phytochemical and antimicrobial methods and to testify the role as botanic drug and potential source of novel drug discovery. The five plants viz: Adiantum capillus-venerisL., Ptaris vittata L., Equisetum arvenseL., Marsilea minuta L.and Dryopteris serrato-dentata (Bedd.) Hayatawere collected in triplicate from Samahni area of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) for herbarium specimen and for experimental samples. The ethnobotanical survey analysis congruent with phytochemical profile, which consist of flavonoids, terpenoids, steroid and lipid alkaloid, carbohydrates, proteins and phenols that are effective to cure different diseases. Antimicrobial analysis was conducted in two solvents methanol and chloroform testified by agar cup diffusion method. Four pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilus, Psedudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coliwere used for antibacterialactivity screening. The highest activity (19.44±0.58) of methanolic extract was shown against S. aureus while lowest antibacterial potential (10.34±0.02) was explored for chloroform extract. These bryophytic flora can be used for further pharmaceutical analysis and novel drugs can be developed which might potentially more active against resistant bacterial strains. The rich biodiversity of these taxa can be utilized in many indigenous medications and other essential products of life

Keywords: Pteridophytes; Antibacterial activity; Phytoconstituents; Ethnopharmacology; Samahni; Azad Kashmir.

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Muhammad Ishtiaq, Tanveer Hussain, Mehwish Maqbool, Aneeba Afzal. (2018-10-17). "Ethnopharmacological and Antibacterial Analysis of Some Selected Pteridophytes Species from Samahni (AJk) Pakistan." *Volume 2*, 4, 13-19